Visiting the Dominican Republic Jumps on the Blogging Band-Wagon
Hi there
We just jumped on the 'blogging' band-wagon!
We plan to post any useful news or information as we get it, here on this 'weblog', whilst we are still developing and adding to our content pages at -
We've had a load of e-mails from visitors and take the chance here to say thanks for your interest...and for your compliments!
We know we've got a lot to do before we can truly claim to be the most informative and easily navigable Dominican Republic information resource on the Web...but this remains our aim,
So don't hesitate to send us your queries or suggestions...we need them! Your comments and questions will help us to provide the information YOU need to really make your visit to the DR all it can be.
So whether you discovered this 'Blog before our main site - or have come here from the site - we hope you find what we provide on the site useful and look forward to using this method of keeping you up to date with 'breaking' news in the Dominican Republic, and developments on our site, regularly through the week from now on,
Kind regards,
The Visiting the Dominican Republic team
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