Friday, February 04, 2005

Time for a BITE!

Normal service has been resumed! (If you didn't visit earlier that won't make much sense!) but now, for something completely different, and for those of you with good taste...

Have you ever tried Sancocho? A rather special Dominican dish, for which most Dominicans have their own 'best ever' recipe...

Well we are no different...see our recipe favorite here:

Just like Mom used to make! Why not try it this Sunday?...In fact if you are Dominican...or even if you're not... but have a favorite recipe of any dish, especially if it's one your own family has enjoyed...please e-mail it to us...we'll test it out and post it on our site with a credit to you, and an assessment by our 'panel' (Me, Al, Esther and Luis!)

Hasta mañana!


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