Visiting the Dominican HIGH!
If you have followed this 'blog...or indeed found it recently and looked over our archives, you will know we started the site this blog aims to promote: around 5/6 months ago.
You may also be familiar with the 'sister' blog: In which we aim to pass on things we have learnt during the creation of the website, for those who may be interested in building a website themselves.
Well as of Thursday 17th March 2005 - reached a new ranking 'high' of 79,833 out of Alexa more than 10million tool bar users. And we want to say a big thank you to everyone who has visited our site, and to all those who have sent us questions over the last months (another apology by-the-way for those whose 'e-mails' got held up in the post last week...and for anyone whose answer is still delayed!)
We are trying to make "Visiting the Dominican Republic" into one of the best information resources for anyone travelling to the Dominican Republic, whether it be for a vaction, on business, to find work, or to seek investment or retirement property!
If there is something we don't yet cover that YOU want to know (though we are still adding more pages, and more diverse info every week)...then please send us a note via the contact page for the fastest growing resources of information on the Dominican Republic on the Net...and help us to make it even BETTER.
Hasta mas tarde
R 180305
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