Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Minor furore over ‘beachwear’ photos “Nothing but a storm in a D-cup” says spokesman

A recently published photo page at does include some shots of one of the web sites management team in beachwear. But a spokesman today denied rumours that this had caused a ‘minor furore’ to break out at the publishers headquarters.

A spokesman for the ‘model’ featured in the shots said:

“These photographs have been seen by several generations of the young lady’s family and never before caused any substantial outcry. It is all just a storm in a D-cup.”

He added that:

“The photographs in question are deemed to be in good taste, and appropriate for the purpose of displaying the best assets of the subject in question. However I feel it only right and proper for visitors to the web page, one of a number featured on web site about the best beaches in the DR, to make a judgement for themselves.”

The spokesman denied that the web site was ‘deliberately making these photos hard to find’ by making them a sub-page to the second page about ‘the best beaches in the DR’ just published on the site. He went on to explain that any visitors to the site who were unable to locate the ‘offending’ photographs’, or with other queries or comments, can easily send their communication to the web site owners via the ‘contact us’ page on the site for advice about where to find the photos, or any other topic in relation to the Dominican Republic..

He said:

“I can see no valid reason why the publication of these photographs should give rise to concern and it my opinion that they do not detract from the sites aim to be ‘the best and most informative site about the Dominican Republic’ on the web. Although we accept we still have much to do before we can truly lay claim to having achieved this objective.”

The young woman, 36, featured in the aforementioned photographs, was unavailable for comment as this feature went to press.