Friday, February 11, 2005

Don't be an Amber Gambler...Get the Gen on the Gem!

It's precious.

It's millions of years old.

It oozed out of primitive plants...and

It often trapped small insects in a permanent 'glass-like' prison!

"D'ya know it is yet?"'s that wonderful yet strange substance known as amber!

And one of the best places in the world to find it is the Dominican Republic.

On our free information site: we now include more information about amber...just one of the many 'treasures' to be discovered in the Dominican Republic.

Keep an eye on the site, or here on our blog, as we hope to announce some of the best deals for wonderful amber jewelry soon...and visit the site to discover how and where to find out much more about amber...the 'jurassic' gem!


(P.S. Sorry it's been a quiet week...due to 'technical' problems...hope to be blogging again soon now though!)